Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Girl or boy

Dad - Mom thinks you will be a boy because she craves and eats a lot of meat. More than normal. I think you will be a girl. I just have a feeling. We will find out in about 2-3 months.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Pregnancy class

Dad - last night your mom and I went to a pregnancy class. It was taught by a mid-wife who is like a nurse. We pretty much knew everything already because we have been reading a lot. The kid wife, Mary Ann, was interesting and she talked and emphasized so many words.
Mom has been eating very healthy. Here she is eating an apple. Cola tried to get into the picture.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dad - this is mom last night trying to eat but she is not feeling well. She is so strong and I hope she can feel better soon.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

You are the size of a blueberry

Dad - It's about 7 weeks and a few days pregnant and you are about the size of a blueberry. Mom has pretty normal eating habits. She gets hungry a lot, but cannot eat everything she wants.

Monday, January 14, 2013

First Doctor Appointment and Ultrasound

Dad - We had the first doctor appointment with Dr. Li. She is a great doctor. We saw you and you are so small and we got to see your heartbeat. By calculation from Mom's last period, mom is 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant. You must be growing quickly because the doctor measured you three times: 7 weeks 0 days, 7 weeks 1 day, and 7 weeks 2 days. We asked some questions at the appointment and the doctor answered everything. Mom had a funny moment without me. When the nurse took her back, the nurse asked her how tall she is. Mom answered "6 foot 4 inches". The nurse understood what Mom was trying to say and Mom laughed. Mom is also really tired today.  She has a hard time with smells.  She could not smell my Mom's chicken stew. We made some signs for the dogs and took some pictures to announce you on Facebook and Weibo.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Still feeling good

Dad - Mom is still feeling pretty good. She is able to eat some more foods including cheese (mozzarella) which she has not been able to eat. She loves the oranges from our tree in the backyard. Hot showers make her feel good too. We will be going to mom's first doctor appointment tomorrow and we hope to hear your heartbeat.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mom is feeling better

Dad - Mom is feeling better recently. She still feels a little sick and has trouble with some smells and foods. She is very picky with foods now. Last night she craved frog and we got some from General Pot. She is trying to eat lots of food, but it is still tough because there are many times that she is not hungry.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Morning sickness

Dad - Mom had her first real morning sickness just after I left for work and just before she was about to leave for work. She is pretty much always feeling sick. She is a very strong woman. I am almost finished with my cold. I am trying to help with dishes and dinner and anything that will help. Mom is now taking her vitamin at night, so hopefully that is better. We will see the doctor on Monday, and we are excited. Hopefully we can hear your heartbeat. Mom also got a cute journal that she already started writing in.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Mom- Craving a sandwich and made two sandwiches this morning. At 10pm tonight, I just had some crackers and all of a sudden I feel very nauseous. The closest I have been to vomiting. I feel so hot and feel very sick. After almost an hour, I am starting to feel a little better.

Dad- Mommy is a strong lady. Her stomach has not been feeling good all the time, and was the worst tonight. I screwed up and let Mommy eat deli ham. I won’t let her eat any more cold deli meats.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Mom- Went to work for the first day since being pregnant. I felt sick this morning and felt dizzy today. I didn’t pee too much.
Mom- I had my first craving. I really wanted fried chicken wings. After we dropped off my mom and dad at the airport, I made your dad drive me to KFC to get some chicken wings.  Videos are below.

I also had my first breakdown. All of a sudden, I just felt like crying and I couldn’t control it. I was thinking of my mom being here doing everything for me and now I don’t have it. I didn’t realize how awesome my mom is until she left.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dad -
I have been very sick with a cold. I have had to stay away from your mom so I don’t get her sick. I have been sick since 12/28/12. It’s been hard to sleep and I feel bad because I can’t hug and hold mom. She is taking good care of me. I hope I can be healthy for the whole pregnancy.