Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First couple weeks

We haven't blogged in a while. It's been an interesting second week. You like to eat a lot and cry a lot at night and sleep most of the day. We think you have gas, so mom changed her diet to eat a lot less gassy foods. We also got some medicine over the counter to help. One night you woke up at 1 am and ate about every hour until 9am and did not sleep in the middle. You got a little better, maybe wake up about 3 times at night and feed for about an hour at a time.

Dad is now going to work and Mom and Grandma take care of you at the middle of the night and during the day. We got you a new rocker and you love it! You have been making very interesting faces recently. The next Dr appointment is in 3 days on Friday, and we will see how big you are now. We are also going through a lot of diapers.

Here is a picture of you in your rocker.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mommy is sick

Mom got sick and nauseous and the pediatrician sent her to the ER. She got an IV for some fluids and was prescribed some medicine for a urinary tract infection, but she probably doesn't have that. Dad, his mom and sister, went to the hospital and got Mom out of ER and took her pack to the pediatric room. She was feeling better and eating a lot of lunch. Xiaoqing and Alison came over to visit. Dad left with his mom and sister.

Friday, August 16, 2013

You scared Mommy and Daddy but you are doing fine

(8/15/13) Tonight was pretty warm and the house was about 78-80 degrees. Everything was pretty normal and you were sleeping on our bed around 10pm and we were taking a lot of cute pictures. We were about to go to sleep around 11pm and it had been about 3 hours since your last feeding, so Mom tried to feed you once more before we went to sleep. You were really fussy and wouldn't eat. You were crying a lot and your whole body was getting red and hot.

We had a hard time getting you to stop crying so we looked at some things online. Maybe you had growing pains or maybe you had a fever. We took your temperature but the thermometer may not have been very accurate. It said 100.4, so we took your clothes off and tried to cool you off. Mom wiped you with some wet rags.

I took you into the back room because it was the coolest room in the house. I held you and tried to keep you cool. You had some moments where you stopped crying.  You were still crying a lot and you stopped crying and went limp. I looked at your body to see if you were breathing and I couldn't see you breathing. I ran to get mom and told her to call 911 (this was at 1:30am). She ran and got her phone and I threw you on our bed and did a couple chest compressions and you came to and moved your arms and legs again. Mom handed me the phone and I talked to 911. I told them our address and they transferred me. I told them that you went limp and unresponsive for 5-10 seconds. They sent over a fire truck and ambulance immediately.

You were crying a little still and finally went to sleep in mom's arms before the fire truck came. I joked with mom saying that you were freaking us out and then just acting normally. The fire truck came and dad went outside to let them know what house it was. 2 firemen came in the house and chatted with us. They didn't see anything wrong with you and couldn't really to any tests or check your temperature. A few minutes later, an ambulance arrived and they said the same thing. Because I saw you go limp, they suggested I bring you in to the ER and we can go in the ambulance or by taking you their in our own car.

We called the advice nurse at Kaiser and they suggested we take you to the ER. Mommy fed you and you ate a lot. We took you into the ER around 2:30 at Fremont Kaiser. There wasn't anybody there and you got seen very quickly by the nurses and doctor. The doctor chatted with the pediatrician that was in Hayward. They both agreed that you should be checked for an infection by these things:

-Complete blood count: This is when a sample of your newborn baby’s blood is taken. The complete blood count (CBC) will determine the number of each type of blood cell.   Special attention is focused on the number of white blood cells (WBCs), as these can be abnormal in number when an infection is present. An abnormal number of WBCs often indicates that the newborn baby’s body is fighting some sort of infection. Results of the CBC can be obtained quite quickly.

-Blood culture: The blood culture will determine if any bacteria can be grown in the blood. If bacteria grow in the culture, the baby has an infection in the bloodstream. The results of this test can take up to 24 hours and sometimes longer, which is why treatment is not delayed while waiting for the result.

-Urine test: This is when a sample of your newborn baby’s urine is taken to determine its white cell count and sent away for culture. This is done through a catheter.

-Chest X-ray: A baby needs a chest X-ray if pneumonia is suspected.

-Spinal tap: A lumbar puncture is also called a spinal tap, and it is necessary if an infection of the lining of the brain, called meningitis, is suspected. Before doing a lumbar puncture, a numbing cream may first be applied to the area of the spine where the lumbar puncture will take place. Local anaesthetic is then used to numb the site of the lumbar puncture. A hollow needle is inserted between the bones, called the vertebrae, of the spine. A sample of the cerebrospinal fluid is withdrawn through the needle and tested for infection. This is not a comfortable procedure; however, sedation and pain relief are provided to reduce your baby’s discomfort. Meningitis is a serious infection and the diagnosis can only be confirmed by examination of the cerebrospinal fluid. If your baby requires a lumbar puncture, try to remind yourself that the procedure is necessary in order to make an accurate diagnosis and provide the best possible treatment for your baby.

It took a few hours to get all this done but you were pretty good. They gave you a pacifier and that helped a little.

I had to hold your arms and legs down while you were on your back during the x-ray and you were moving a lot. Then when we turned you on your side to take the x-ray, you fell asleep.

They tried to put the IV in your foot, but they had a hard time getting to the vein, so they put it in your right hand.

They drew a lot of blood from you and you were being really good. Mom and dad watched them do the catheter but we chose not to watch the spinal tap. Dr. Yao tried twice on the spinal tap but was unsuccessful.

All the nurses couldn't stop complementing how cute you were and they also said you were great for the spinal tap and Dr. Yao said that too.

It was getting close to 4:30am when they were finished with all the tests. They called the transport because they wanted you to be watched 24/7 at Hayward since Fremont did not have 24/7 pediatric care. Mom fed you a lot and you went to sleep.

The ambulance came and I worked with the driver to figure out how to attach your carrier to the gurney. We strapped you down so good with a lot of straps so you wouldn't move. Mom got to ride with you in the ambulance and I drove the car and met you at the Hayward ER. They took you to Pediatrics Admission in the 3rd floor of the hospital. You got a room that is shared with another child and their parents, but they have curtains up.

Mom went straight into the bed and slept while Dad talked to the nurse. You fell right asleep in the bed and the nurse checked all your vital signs. The doctor came in and chatted with us. We have to wait for your blood samples to see if they grow bacteria and that could take 36-48 hours. All other tests were normal. You are still feeding very well and not crying too much. The doctor thinks you may have had a breath-holding spell. Dad may have overreacted and maybe you were breathing fine but you were tired and not limp. You may have also had a seizure. But most likely nothing serious.

After chatting with the doctor, it was almost time for breakfast and mom and dad had not had any sleep the whole night. We tried to both sleep on the small bed in the hospital for about an hour or two. We woke up and ate some cereal. Beth and Grandma came to visit and held you and you seemed happy. You are getting very close to smiling. Daddy left to go home and get Grandma Ying. He brought her and brought Mommy some things from home. He went home to get some rest. You are staying the night with Mommy and Grandma Ying. You will probably have to stay another night. You are still feeding well and only want to sleep on Mommy. We can't wait to bring you home again.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We get to take you home!

Tuesday August 13

Another rough night. Mom is still not producing much milk but you are drinking a good amount of formula. You cried a lot at night and early morning. The pediatrician checked you out early in the morning and mommy and daddy were barely awake. The pediatrician said you were great and ready to go home. Mom got checked out and we tried really hard to get you to breast feed. 

They said we could finally leave the hospital, so dad packed up everything and got mom's medicine. You don't need any vitamins because you've been eating plenty of formula. We left the hospital around 1:30pm and picked up some formula at Target. The dogs were very excited when we brought you in the house. They were smelling you when you were in your crib and you smiled and seemed to enjoy the dog noise. You are still eating a lot of formula and getting a little milk from mom. Mom's coworker came over with some chicken noodle soup to help with the breast milk. You slept a lot this evening. But, you are having a hard time going to sleep around 11pm. You will have a pediatric appointment tomorrow morning.

You finally went to sleep and got up a couple times. Mom fed you and you are getting breast milk finally through the nipple shield. Mom and Dad got some decent sleep finally.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Lots of visitors

Monday August 12

We finally got some sleep around 5am in the morning.   Mom got her catheter removed and she’s feeling much better. She is able to walk around a little. This morning you have not been too fussy. A new lactation specialist came in and worked really hard to get you to breast-feed. You still are not latching on and sucking for very long.  We gave you 5 mL of formula through a nipple shield and you drank it up quickly. You wouldn’t take more that way, so the lactation specialist put her finger and the formula through the straw and you sucked that up too. So, you finally got some food and you burped a couple times.

We fed you a couple more times, 15 mL and then 11 mL in another feeding. You have been crying a lot in your bassinet and you only stop crying when Mom holds you. You like the skin to skin holding.  You’ve been having lots of poopy diapers which is great. The first poopy diaper that Mom and Dad changed, you actually pooped while we were changing it!

Mommy had been pumping milk and trying to get you some. She puts on a glove, puts it on her finger, and puts her finger in your mouth.

Around noon, Mom had about 15 coworkers come in and hold you. You were so quiet and they took a lot of pictures and brought some diapers and gifts.

We try to swaddle you, but you get out of any swaddle. Your arms come out and your legs kick so hard!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

First 24 hours

Sunday August 11

You slept most of your first night which was really only about 4am to 7am. You didn’t cry very much at all. Around 10:30 you got some visitors: Jeannette, James, Patrick, and Alice. Jeannette, James, and Patrick all held you. You were a very quiet baby. They left after about an hour and around 12pm Mom’s coworker: Pei Ling came in to visit. She held you for a bit and left after about 30 minutes. Alison and Grandma Mary Ann and Grandpa Jeff came in to visit around 1pm. Alison brought some chicken noodle soup and chili for mom and dad.  They all held you for a bit and took pictures and left after a couple hours.

Mom tried very hard to breast-feed you, but you still have not latched on. She also tried the breast pump which hasn’t helped yet. A breastfeeding specialist tried to help out a lot too. You had your first bowel movement and pee around 6am.  You started becoming very fussy and crying a lot in the late afternoon. Mom tried very hard to feed you and dad tried hard to swaddle you and rock you. The whole late night: 9pm-12am you were crying and we had a hard time trying to figure it out. Your diaper was wet with pee. The nurse changed you and you started crying for a while again. We didn’t realize that you had another bowel movement and pee shortly after, so we changed your diaper again. You have a lot of energy crying so much and moving around. We tried to sing to you and we also tried rocking you and playing some soothing sounds on Mom’s phone. Dad put on a glove and you sucked on his finger very hard.

Your Birth Day!!!!!

Saturday August 10

At 9am, Mom woke up from some contractions. They were not painful. She thought she had diarrhea, but she didn't. She noticed around 11am that the contractions were very regular about 5 minutes apart and lasting for about 30 seconds. We decided to still go out to lunch with Alison at 12pm. Mom wrote down all her contraction times and it was still happening every 5 minutes for 30 seconds. We finished up lunch and went back home. We called Santa Clara Kaiser and they said they had 1 room available but we should wait until the contractions are 45 seconds long or more intense. Alison left our house and we just waited and packed all of our stuff. Mom took a shower and when she came out, the contractions became much more intense. We called up Santa Clara Kaiser, and they didn't have any rooms available so they asked us to try Hayward or San Jose, but they didn't even give us the numbers.  Dad searched for the phone number while mom was in a lot of pain. He called the main number and connected to the Labor and Delivery. They had a room available and asked to come in. Mom's contractions were really painful. 

We got to the hospital and were put in room 1. They checked dilation and it was at 4cm so Mom was officially admitted. They attached all the monitors to check Mom and Baby. Mom was in a lot of pain so they gave her some Fentonal. It immediately made her feel better but it wears off after about 40 minutes and she can only take it every hour. So, she was in a lot of pain. They took her bloodwork so they can make sure she could take an epidural.  By the time the bloodwork came back, she was at 9cm dilated. After a lot of thinking, mom and dad decided it's best to do an epidural. Mom was given 3 times a normal dose and it took some time to have effect, about 15 minutes.  Then, we waited for a bit and Mom felt much better. The midwife came in after about an hour and found Mom was 10cm+ dilated. The midwife broke her water. Mom tried to push but can't feel anything because the epidural was so strong.

Sunday August 11

We waited some more and Mom started getting more feeling so around 12:20am on August 11, mom started pushing. She pushed so hard and strong, you came out at 1:01am. Mom had a lot of bleeding and almost passed out. You had lots of skin to skin contact with mom and I held you for a bit because mom was so tired. They weighed and measured you: 7 pounds 2.9 ounces and 20 inches.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Last doctor appointment for mom

Friday August 9

Today, Mom had her regular doctor appointment. Everything is going well and the doctor thinks you will come in a couple weeks. There is no evidence that you may come early.