Sunday, October 6, 2013

change everyday

You change almost everyday.
Since grandma left, around your 7th week, you start to interact with us now. You coo, laugh and smile a lot. You make so many different nosies, and make new ones everyday. You are easier to take care of, because you cry less, and will spend more time playing with yourself, looking around, and don't require a lot of holding and rocking. We will only need to hold you when you are fussy and about to sleep. You develop a pretty good pattern of feeding-playing-sleeping. You will play in your crib, kick your legs, coo a bit after each feeding for maybe around half hour or an hour, and then cry, so we know that you need to sleep, and then grandpa will hold you and put you to sleep. But your sleeping schedule is still not set. You would sleep for 6 hours straight one night, and next night wakes up around 3 or 4am again. And you would be completely awake, play and coo at 5am. We will work hard on that to get you a set sleeping schedule.

Another biggest change is that you love diaper change! Before you would cry and were scared to be put on the changing table, you would startle and had to hold on to something, either your own hair (you used to pull your hair so tight when you are scared), or whoever is changing you's fingers. But now, omg, you love to be changed, you will stop crying the minute we put you on the changing table if you have a dirty diaper, and would smile even laugh when we put a dry diaper on. You are so funny!

I noticed your eye sight must be really good, you will turn to the sound for almost 360 degree, and you will stare at the zoo a lot at each time of feeding. I guess you really could see and love all the colorful animals. can't wait for you to play with them soon!

Love you! <3

Friday, October 4, 2013

Growth spurt

Growth spurt is painful to you and me.
You went through so much pain during those couple days because you were growing so fast it hurt, so you cry a lot!!!!
It hurts to me is because I have to feed you every 2 hours!!! I nurse you for an hour, spend 30 minutes to hold you and put you to sleep, and another half or one hour later you are up again and need to be fed. I have almost no sleep at all for those nights 9/19 and 9/20. But it's good to know that you are growing so big and fast.

sleep through the night for the first time

We can't believe you sleep through the night for the first time so early when you are only 6 week old.
9/28, you amazingly sleep from 10pm-6:30am,8 hours!! How did you do that?! Mommy had to wake up to pump, and woke up around normal time you wake up, but still it's an amazing feeling! Everybody finally got some rest back.
9/29 again another 8 hours from 12:00am-8:00am
9/30 1am-7am
10/1 11pm-5am

That's the only 4 days you have slept through the night so far. We figured it's because we put you in the swing, you won't sleep too long in the crib. It's warm, cozy and confined in the swing, you like that. So since 9/28 we have been putting you into the swing to sleep. Hope you will sleep long tonight!

weight, rash, grandma and grandpa

It's around the 3rd week that you started to have some baby acne/rashes on your face and neck, and it last till 5th and 6th week.
9/24 at the doctor visit, you hit 10 lbs !! your weight percentile jumping from 10% to 50%.
you are a fat boy now!
you spit up problem is getting worse, you will be in so much pain after each feeding, especially bad at night, so the doctor prescribed you some medicine which seems to help.

Grandma holds you a lot and rocks you to sleep every time and talks to you all the time, so for the first time around 5th week, we notice that you will turn to the direction of her voice when she talks only for her, not even for mama or daddy. It's so amazing that you can do that in such an early age, and it's such a reward for grandma to see you just stop in the middle of crying to look for her when you hear her voice. Hope you will remember that she did a lot for you while she was here for the first couple months of your life. Mama can't do this without her.
You probably won't see her in one or two years, hope you will give her a big hug and kisses when you see her again! She came on 8/15 and left on 10/3.

Grandpa arrived on 9/25.

working on lactations

This is mama writing:
You were not a easy baby in your first month, you have gas problems, you spit up and hiccup a lot, of course you cry a lot. But the most important thing that bothers me is that you were still using nipple shield to drink my breast milk, and you would kick a lot, sometimes were really fussy during feeding. We guess you were having gas problems, but one pediatrician said that it may be my breast problem that you can suck too hard yet to get the milk out. Anyway, we struggled a lot with your feeding problem, plus, you spend a lot time on my breast, you feed every 2 or 3 hours, and each feeding lasts about one hour, and then I will spend another 20 minutes to hold you up right so you won't spit up. That's about 10 hours a day for me to sit in the chair feeding you. So for the first month I was really frustrated and my back and shoulder were hurting really bad that I could go to sleep at night. So I tried to train you latch on my nipple, you sometimes will latch on, but it would hurt me so bad, and my left breast will hurt for 2 hours after feeding you every time. I thought I was having mastitis. I went to see the doctor, they said it's not mastitis.
And then the lactation consultant came to the rescue, I visited one in Hayward with Jeannette, and she taught me so much, and the funny thing is you latched on right away in her office, she just corrected you a little bit, and you were eating just fine. You are always a " perfect baby" in front of the doctors. She saved my life, and made me so happy. But when we went back, you weren't doing well like you were in the office. You will try to latch for 20 times before you actually latch on correctly each time.
And then I made a second appointment with her, guess what, after making the appointment, you started to improve, and you were perfect fine again in her office. You were exactly one month when we visited her the second time. After that visit, we celebrated at a coffee shop with your grandma. One of a few outings we did in your first month.

So we said finally goodbye to the nipple shield, and since then, feeding has been easier for you and me, it makes both of us happier. And you are getting better and better latching on everyday, because you are getting bigger and stronger.