Wednesday, December 25, 2013

First Christmas

Today was your first Christmas. You must have been so excited because you just had a short nap in the morning and didn't take any other naps. We were at Aunt Jeannette's house and it was really loud. We brought your swing but you wouldn't sleep in it. Daddy took your for a long walk around the block and you enjoyed it and had your eyes open the whole time. You got lots of presents from Aunt Jeannette's family and Jan and Ruthlyn.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First time being sick

On Sunday, 12/8/13, you got your first cold. Your nose was stuffy and you started getting a cough. You didn't sleep during any naps. Maybe just about 5 minutes sleep. Mom tried very hard to get you calm and get you to sleep at night. She held you for a few hours and you weren't able to sleep very much. Mom slept with you in the big room in the corner. Dad put you in the stroller and pushed you in the kitchen. After a couple hours you finally fell asleep and slept in the stroller for a couple hours. We took you to the doctor and he said there isn't much to do. Just keep your head elevated and use a humidifier which we did. You were able to sleep on Monday night even with a cough. We think that you may have been scared when coughing and you would wake up every time you coughed. Now you can cough and go right back to sleep.