Saturday, January 28, 2017

Marcus' first dance class

Marcus has not been able to get into the dance class at EA preschool because it's been full. So I contacted my friend Sarita and asked her questions about her dance studio. She said we should have Marcus try a class at 9:45am on Saturday.

The studio is Trudance in Union City and the teacher is Miss Michelle. Marcus was really nervous to go out so mommy and daddy and Hendrik sat inside. Mommy and daddy tried to get Marcus to go out there and dance but it took about 15 minutes. When Marcus saw the kids doing a shuffle move across the floor, he jumped up and said "I can do that!" and the teacher noticed he was ready and had him do the shuffle move across the floor. It was a move he had done in his soccer class.

Marcus continued to have fun as they did different moves and skills. When everyone put their tap shoes on, Marcus didn't have any but there was an extra pair in his size so he wore those. He was a little timid in his tap shoes but ended up loving making noise.

He also learned a dance to Rock Around the Clock that he will be performing at the recital in June.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Hendrik is born!

Around 4am on Friday December 16th, Marina's water broke. she jumped out of bed and said "my water broke!" and woke up Erik. Erik said "are you sure"? So, Marina called the Santa Clara Kaiser hospital and they said to come in. Marina and Erik got everything ready for the hospital and said bye to a very tired Marcus. Marina and Erik left for the hospital around 5am and Marcus didn't go back to sleep.

Marina finally started feeling contractions on the way to the hospital but they were not regular. When we got to the hospital, Erik pushed Marina in a wheelchair and we filled out all the paperwork and went to the observation room. A nurse checked everything and said that there were no rooms available. Marina asked for the epidural immediately. The contractions weren't too regular or strong. They finally had room 13 open up around 8am. Seems a bit bigger than the rooms in San Jose Kaiser.

Erik worked out a plan to get Marina's mom to the hospital. Jeff brought Marcus and Marina's mom to the hospital and dropped off Marina's mom. Then he took Marcus over to Jeannette's around 11am.

Marina got the epidural and was given pitocin to help with the contractions. Around 12:45 Marina started pushing. Hendrik's heart rate was going down a bit due to contractions and we were close to doing some different things like monitoring the heart rate. We found out later that it's possible it was a bad position and the cord was wrapped around Hendrik's neck twice.

At 1:37, Marina pushed in between contractions and shot Hendrik out and the doctor unwrapped the cord twice.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Halloween 2016

I wish I had kept up with this blog. Mom has written down so many things already.

Marcus is so excited for Halloween this year.

On Friday Oct 28 2016, I took Marcus to Acer for their party. He trick or treated and got lots of candy. They had giveaways and we didn't get any. There were 16 prizes for about 30 kids.

Today, 10/31/16, there is trick or treating and a parade ad EA. Marcus is really excited. Every time the radio mentioned "Halloween" or "Trick or Treat", Marcus repeated it. At school, so many kids were already in their costume and so Marcus wanted to get in his costume - Miles from Tomorrowland. We put the costume on and a cute girl in a dragon costume said hi and that it was an astronaut costume. When I left, I said "bye Miles..." and Marcus had a huge smile.

Since the grass was so muddy, the EA CCLC Parade was in the gym. I helped Marcus go down to the gym. Marcus walked around and learned to say "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you!" There were lots of interesting costumes. Marcus was really tired, especially with no nap.

We went home and ate dinner and went out trick or treating. We started at my dad's house and went on Mansbury. There were a lot of good houses on Mansbury and the guy on the corner of Mansbury and Roycroft actually gave Marcus a cool Hot Wheels car. Marcus got plenty of candy. After we got home, Marcus helped me hand out the candy and he was really happy and excited.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Eating solids, bouncing, and reaching for toys

In the past week, many new things are happening. We are feeding you rice cereal, you are starting to bounce a little on the bouncy seat, and you are reaching and grabbing toys.

You didn't like rice cereal, or you didn't really like eating from a spoon and you pushed it out with your tongue. But, now you like eating it.

We are putting you in the bouncy seat, and you can bounce a little. You are too small for it, but we put something under your feet so your feet can touch.

You are great at grabbing toys and sometimes reach for a toy now.

First New Years

You had your first New Year. It was a pretty normal day and you took some naps and went to sleep by 9pm.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

First Christmas

Today was your first Christmas. You must have been so excited because you just had a short nap in the morning and didn't take any other naps. We were at Aunt Jeannette's house and it was really loud. We brought your swing but you wouldn't sleep in it. Daddy took your for a long walk around the block and you enjoyed it and had your eyes open the whole time. You got lots of presents from Aunt Jeannette's family and Jan and Ruthlyn.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First time being sick

On Sunday, 12/8/13, you got your first cold. Your nose was stuffy and you started getting a cough. You didn't sleep during any naps. Maybe just about 5 minutes sleep. Mom tried very hard to get you calm and get you to sleep at night. She held you for a few hours and you weren't able to sleep very much. Mom slept with you in the big room in the corner. Dad put you in the stroller and pushed you in the kitchen. After a couple hours you finally fell asleep and slept in the stroller for a couple hours. We took you to the doctor and he said there isn't much to do. Just keep your head elevated and use a humidifier which we did. You were able to sleep on Monday night even with a cough. We think that you may have been scared when coughing and you would wake up every time you coughed. Now you can cough and go right back to sleep.