Sunday, November 10, 2013

you are a happy baby

Today you start to laugh really big now, you interact really well with grandpa and burst to laugh when he massage you. You can see so many things now, maybe that's why you don't want to go to sleep, you are always looking around, very curious. Yesterday, we brought you to Bestbuy to buy a new microwave, you were so curious, checking out at all the microwaves. And you were really happy and active at auntie Jeannette's halloween party yesterday afternoon, that's right, your first halloween is coming up soon. Since you didn't sleep at all yesterday afternoon, you slept for almost 9 hours at night, the longest ever!
But since you slept too long, mommy has her first plugged milk duct experience. It hurst very bad, especially at nursing. But nursing is the only and best way to clear it. There are many lumps on the top of my right breast, and I tried to message it in a hot shower, it helped a little bit, but still feel plugged right now. Hopefully it will clear in 24 hours, it's what it said online, otherwise I will need to see a doctor to prevent mastitis.

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