Friday, December 16, 2016

Hendrik is born!

Around 4am on Friday December 16th, Marina's water broke. she jumped out of bed and said "my water broke!" and woke up Erik. Erik said "are you sure"? So, Marina called the Santa Clara Kaiser hospital and they said to come in. Marina and Erik got everything ready for the hospital and said bye to a very tired Marcus. Marina and Erik left for the hospital around 5am and Marcus didn't go back to sleep.

Marina finally started feeling contractions on the way to the hospital but they were not regular. When we got to the hospital, Erik pushed Marina in a wheelchair and we filled out all the paperwork and went to the observation room. A nurse checked everything and said that there were no rooms available. Marina asked for the epidural immediately. The contractions weren't too regular or strong. They finally had room 13 open up around 8am. Seems a bit bigger than the rooms in San Jose Kaiser.

Erik worked out a plan to get Marina's mom to the hospital. Jeff brought Marcus and Marina's mom to the hospital and dropped off Marina's mom. Then he took Marcus over to Jeannette's around 11am.

Marina got the epidural and was given pitocin to help with the contractions. Around 12:45 Marina started pushing. Hendrik's heart rate was going down a bit due to contractions and we were close to doing some different things like monitoring the heart rate. We found out later that it's possible it was a bad position and the cord was wrapped around Hendrik's neck twice.

At 1:37, Marina pushed in between contractions and shot Hendrik out and the doctor unwrapped the cord twice.

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